Friday, November 11, 2011

Benefits of Fuits and Vegetables to Make Ageless

Do you want to look young and beautiful? Actually many ways you can do. Starting from exercise, healthy diet to plastic surgery. Without taking medication and excessive body treatments, you can stay young.

Fair skin, toned and glowing certainly desirable for everyone. Facial and body care routine can make a more youthful appearance. Without the need for plastic surgery or Botox injections, body maintenance can be performed routinely.

Here are six simple tips yangdapat help slow the aging process:


Skin wrinkles, small lines around the eyes, and blacken the skin begin to appear? Try to start use a scrub, moisturizer and sunscreen every day. Wear-based product that olive oil can help to disguise the problem of the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Weight Control
Not a few people can maintain ideal body weight at that age no longer young. The experts say, exercise at least 30 minutes every day such as practicing yoga, aerobics, swimming, pilates can keep your weight remains stable and can maintain facial muscle tone.

Vegetarian Diet
Eat green vegetables, fruit - fruit, seeds - seeds and nuts - nuts can prevent osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Fill the plate with plant foods are low in fat by 75% as spinach, corn, tomatoes, peppers, strawbbery, blueberries and grapes. To avoid a number of chronic diseases and do not make your body and skin stretched tight.

Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
Many drink alcohol, can interfere with the elasticity of the skin so the skin becomes dry. It also can increase the risk of cancer.

Fill your body's need for vitamin D and calcium. Such as drinking milk in order to avoid osteoporosis, especially when aged 50 years and over. Drink milk to 1,200 mg daily nutritional needs are met.

Sleep is very important for the body, then it takes 7-8 hours to sleep, so the body can restore vitality to be better. Therefore, lack of sleep can lead to obesity or overweight, and a number of other diseases. 

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