Monday, October 17, 2011

Myth or Fact: Drinking Coconut Water affects the baby's skin look clean?

In modern times, many pregnant women believe that drinking lots of coconut water can make the baby born with a clean skin. Is this myth or fact?

Coconut water is good for pregnant women. due to the high content of electrolytes and potassium that is in the coconut water is good for baby's growth. According to the obstetrician, coconut water to make baby's skin to be clean it's just a myth. Coconut water good for babies because it contains potassium, electrolytes and vitamins, but not make the baby's skin to be clean.

The fetus becomes increasingly older, it becomes increasingly clear as fernik fat (fat that covers the body of the fetus) decreases. If he was born over 36 weeks of age will be born clean. If less month then there is still fat fernik on her skin, it's not dirty but the fat that protects the fetus in the mother's abdomen.

Young coconut water is known as the richest sources of electrolytes, is therefore highly recommended for people suffering from any illness. Coconut water also contains chloride, potassium, magnesium, moderate amounts of sugar, sodium and high protein. Potassium from coconut water also helps regulate blood pressure and heart function. is an excellent source of fiber, manganese, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin C.

Some of the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women is as follows:

1.As a natural isotonic beverage
assist in replenishing lost fluids and salts lost by the body naturally. Coconut water can prevent dehydration and exhaustion.

2. Can strengthen the immune system
Because coconut water contains lauric acid which the body uses to produce monolaurin which can combat diseases of fatty acid derivatives. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, and others.

3. Prevent and treat stomach pains
Coconut water effectively helps clean the intestines and digestive tract. This pregnant woman's relief from stomach pains and constipation.

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